

cp test a/s offers a wide range of services within dynamic test methods on piles and within measuring the environmental impact associated with pile foundations of structures. cp test a/s’ primary specialty is shock wave measurements, within which we have a large experience base. Over the years, our service has also been expanded with several other types of ´dynamic´ measurements and calculations. Vibration measurements are a major activity today, just as the scope of noise measurements and calculations is increasing; Among other things, as a result of environmental requirements.

cp test a/s is certified to perform environmental measurements of noise and whole-body vibrations. Some of our services can be seen as an aid to quality assurance, and we offer to provide services that can support geotechnicians, consulting engineers, contractors and public authorities in their work.

Photo Registration of Buildings

Photo Registration of Buildings

Photo Registration of Buildings Before startup of primarily construction projects that can cause vibrations to buildings, demands are often presented that buildings affected by vibrations must be checked for existing cracks and minor/ major damages. To accommodate these demands, a series of photos are taken of the exteriour of the buildings in question. These are...

Thermal Integrity Profiling – TIP

Thermal Integrity Profiling - TIP

TIP-testing The TIP-method applies the heat generated by curing concrete to assess the quality of cast-in-situ piles. By measuring the temperature in an equal distance from the center of the pile, local temperature increases will indicate a bulge or an increased concrete cover, and likewise a local decrease in temperature will indicate a necking or...

Humen Vibration Perception

Humen Vibration Perception

Human Vibration Perception (KB) Human vibration measurements simulate the human bodys perception of vibrations indoors in buildings which leads to the daily used expression comfort measurements (KB in Danish).  The measurements take place on the floor in 2-3 rooms in a building where persons may be annoyed by vibrations from construction works and traffic regulation...

Pile Integrity Testing – PIT

Pile Integrity Testing - PIT

PIT measurements The PIT-method is a relatively simple and cost effective method to check the quality of especially pile types that are cast in-situ, but the method is also applicable for  checking driven piles, as long as the pile material is elastic. cp test a/s offers PIT measurements as a quality assurance, where the result...

Static Load Testing – SLT

Static Load Testing - SLT

Static Load Testing Static load testing on axially loaded piles is a traditional method used to determine the bearing capacity and is executed with the use of load cells, steel beams and counter piles or – anchors. The static load test is carried out by pressing or pulling on the pile, on which you wish...

Crosshole Sonic Logging – CSL

Crosshole Sonic Logging – CSL

Bored pile construction is inherently difficult and requires extensive process-quality assurance.  CSL-testing as a quality control measure provides complementary information to other control activities such as borelogs, concrete logs and low strain integrigty tests. It is carried out by pulling a pair (or pairs) of ultrasonic transmitter and reciever probes in preinstalled tubes placed along...

Driveability Analysis

Driveability Analysis

Driveability Analysis By applying information about the pile, i.e. type and dimension, and external information from soil condition and hammer type, the pile driving can be simulated. Consequently, the pile driveability can be estimated prior to driving, and the choise of hammer can be evaluated. Driveability analysis provides information about: Contact our experts for further...

Noise Measurement, prognosis and monitoring

Noise Measurement, prognosis and monitoring

Noise measurements and prognosis cp test a/s is certified by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency to perform ”Environmental measurement – external noise”. This means that everything regarding noise measurements and -prognosis are supervised by the agency. cp test a/s performs both supervised short term and unsupervised long term noise measurements that can last for years....

Structural Vibrations

Structural Vibrations

Structural Vibrations – prognosis/risk analysis, measurement and monitoring cp test a/s has more than 30 years of experience measuring vibrations applied to buildings and other structures, and we a large number of instruments in Denmark, making us able to lift very large jobs. Our instruments are front line equipment, and we get instruments developed to...

Pile Driving Analysis – PDA

Pile Driving Analysis – PDA

Pile Driving Analysis – PDA is a method for dynamic load testing on axial loaded piles. The method is suitable for piles in friction soil as well as in cohesive soils, chalk and rock, and whether the piles transfer the forces to the surrounding soil through skin friction or toe resistance.  The piles to be...

Thermal capacity of Energy Piles

Thermal capacity of Energy Piles

Thermal capacity analysis Energy Piles are concrete piles with built in geothermal pipes. Thus, the piled foundation of a building can serve both as structural and a heating/cooling supply element. By applying information of the foundation pile layout, soil properties and thermal needs of the building, our in-house tool assesses the geothermal potential of the...